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SESCO Cement worker using a forklift to move cement ordered by a customer through the new SESCO software portal

Introducing Dash: Our Streamlined Cement Ordering Software Portal

SESCO Cement is thrilled to announce the launch of Dash, the SESCO Cement Customer Portal. This new customer account management  platform provides our customers with enhanced billing, order management functionality, and more helpful features.

The new customer portal web application will provide you with a streamlined experience to quickly review bagged and bulk cement orders. You gain fast access to billing, shipping tickets, and valuable historical ordering data in one centralized dashboard.

Find out why it’s time to say goodbye to countless emails and hello to efficiency. Discover how you can save time and effort ordering cement using our cloud-based platform.

What is the Dash Cement Ordering Software Portal?

We named our new portal “Dash” to capture two critical elements of the software functionality to support our customer relationships:

  • “Dash” as in speed, capturing the rapid nature of order fulfillment.
  • “Dash” as in dashboard, highlighting the robust nature of our platform to access and complete orders in a single view.

You and your team can utilize the exceptional user interface in Dash to stay on top of each order, quickly place repeat orders using your order history, view shipment details , and resolve issues within the platform.

Instead of sending an email and waiting for a response, you gain real-time visibility into the status of each order.

Why We Introduced the Dash Platform

Earlier this year, we introduced our S-E-S-C-O core values that guide and direct our company’s actions. Two of the core values are Customer-Centric Service and Optimization. Introducing Dash hits on these values in a significant way.

– We are always looking for opportunities to enhance the customer experience, which is what has made us one of the leading providers of high-quality cement in Houston and across the U.S. 

We recognize that our customers rely on orders to be fulfilled when promised to support critical timelines. We are confident that customers will enjoy utilizing Dash to view order status, support their business needs, and bring efficiency to their workflow.

– As part of our internal review of how we could optimize the accounting experience, we determined that it was time to introduce new technology that would eliminate manual processes and make it easier to connect with our team.

Dash represents a sturdy bridge between your cement needs and our central dispatch team. Whether you need to plan for when cement will arrive at the job site or need support with inventory management at your store, the order tracking information will ensure you have the latest details about each order.

Contact Us Today to Access Dash

We are starting to roll out the Dash cement ordering software platform to our customers. We would appreciate the opportunity to connect with you to make sure the platformis set up to your preferences.

Contact customer support today to get started using Dash. It’s time to enjoy a streamlined cement ordering experience to support your business.

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